Anime Arts Wiki
Cute cat

The M.O.G Foundation is a charity run by Josh which specializes in the treatment of Massively Obscene Gauches aka MOGs as seen to your right.

How We Help[]

The charity holds a monthly event in which people act like a MOG in order to raise awareness for MOGs. By doing this, MOGs don't feel so left out anymore and can be able to feel free to mingle and express themselves without being bullied by an MN.

How You Can Help[]

You can help use by simply picking up the phone and dialing 555-MOG-CRAY, by doing so, you'll automatically be charged 80c ($1 by mobile) and that money will be transferred to The M.O.G Foundation. In order to send us a bigger donation, email us ( with your bank details and the sum of your choice will be transferred to us.

Like us on Facebook ( ). You can also follow us on Twitter (@MOGISINSANE) and tweet us your experiences with MOGs irl followed by #HELPHIM.

Support Sheet[]

Leave your name below to show your support for MOGs worldwide!
